Friday 22 February 2013


I've not had much of a problem with motivating myself to go to the gym, but today I just  I found myself going "i'm too tired" "I haven't ate enough" "i'll go tomorrow" etc.  But tomorrow what if I was still "tired" or had some other excuse?

NO!  No waiting till tomorrow!  No stupid excuses!

The reason why I'm overweight and unfit is because of excuses.  Why would I start going back down that way?  I've spent a lot of my life letting my mood affect my behaviour, but now I want my behaviour to change my mood.

I went to the gym and I didn't drop dead from exhaustion! SHOCK!

Stop making excuses and do things.

Thursday 7 February 2013


Things have been a little difficult recently.  For various reasons my leg has been a big dick and this has resulted in me being too hard on myself.  This makes an unhappy Connie!  LET'S CHANGE IT!

I'm really far away from where I need to be, I know this.  I'm too heavy, i'm not fit enough, I have skate skills to work on, I have fears to overcome..blah blah.  BUT what have I accomplished?

I achieved full mobility.
I can squat like a fucking boss.
I can do derby stops now and couldn't before.
I can plank for longer.
I am fitter, faster, stronger and lighter than I have been before.

I will be nicer to myself. 

I believe this break has done me good and will do me good, and I say God bless it!