Sunday 9 December 2012

Don't call it a comeback

I've been thinking seriously about coming back to skating for the past month or so.  After getting a yes from my doctor and physio it all became a bit real.  I've slowly been trying to get my head around the idea.  I've bought new kit and put new wheels on my skates to try and be ok.

Bailey approves of knee pads.

I've done a few practice knee taps and slammed down on bad leg knee and it feels ok.  I kinda didn't expect it to feel so ok.  Wonderful wonderful 187's.

With one day before skate day I thought I should probably put skates on!  It felt weird but oddly comforting.  Like it was normal, or something.  I expected tears and screams.

I am going to attempt to skate tonight and i'm pretty nervous.  What if I don't remember how to?  What if I have a fall?  WHAT IF I HURT MYSELF!?  This is real, yo.  I act like I don't care and it's nothing but I have flash backs pretty much every day.  Going back to the hall it happened is hard enough when i'm watching...but skating!? 

So, baby steps.  Baby goals.  10 minutes skating and 1 lap.  If I do more than that i'll be happy!

I am stronger than my leg.